2 Old Friends
It's been 2 years? 3 maybe?
You know, they've grown.
All of them.
I wish you were still here.
You'd be so proud of them.
Ha, facing stuff like boy-problems and all.
You would have taught them a thing or two.
Maybe even leant a thing or two.
As I watch them do the crazy things they do,
I just can't help to reminisce bout the times when we were so like them.
Ha, I was getting a little irritated at all that screaming and horrible singing until I realised that we did those too.
Now even sad memories makes me happy because those were the times we spent with each other.
You know, maybe things would be happier with you here.
I would like to punch you.
I guess this was the best outcome of what happened then.
You know I never looked at it from your side of the story, until recently.
And I really HAVE gotta thank you for making me who I am today.
If you didn't kept your distance. If you had let me have my way,
I'd probably be like some scum out there.
Man.. Haha, I was such a bastard! Really.
I'm really sorry. And yes, grateful too.