Angels & Airwaves

I-Empire, released on the 6th of Nov 2007.
This album, anticapated by fans like me, turned out to be just ok.
I expected something that would blow my mind away, just like their first album, We Don't Need To Whisper, did.
The moment I got home on that day, I immediately put it to play, hoping for something extravagant.
Track after track, hoping for one to fill me up with emotions or at the very least give one of my legs a good feeling to tap to.
Oh well. Though none of the above happened, after listening to the album over a few times, I seemed to like it more. Well of course not more than their first. Maybe, I made myself like it more, like how dear ally did for the pussycat dolls. HA.
I must say, i still do enjoy this album and worthed every bit of my $18. A MUST HAVE if you're a fan.
There you go... My half-assed of a review.
Call to Arms
Everything's Magic
Love Like Rockets
Secret Crowds
Star of Bethlehem
True Love
Jumping Rooftops
Rite of Spring
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