The Right Thing
Sometimes it's wrong to do the right thing...
It is right to offer your time to others.
It is right give.
It is right place others above yourself.
It is right to decide to do the right thing.
Sometimes it's wrong to do the right thing.
It's wrong to offer your time for others,
till you have no time for yourself and you lose who you are.
It's wrong to always give,
because some will simply always keep and not learn to give.
It's wrong to always place others above yourself,
because some will think that they are better than others.
It's wrong to decide to the the seemingly right thing in that moment,
because others may take it for granted that you will always be there to set things right.
To teach or to spoil.
To cause suffering or to pamper.
Spare the rod spoil the child?
WWJD. The loving thing...